Why to Subscribe


Eco-Conscious travel is a conservation family from Rwanda, committed to change
the world a better place than it was through discovering new places. As days go
by, it needs everyone’s concern to consider future life of the planet. We save
biodiversity not for me, not for you, but for the generations of all time through
traveling and creating a better home in all corners of the world.

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What we do

Eco-Friendly Experience

We partner with tourism lover to experience eco- friendly tourism products and participate in conservation inputs generations and implement practices that conserve natural resources and environments through interacting with new places.

Discover Sustainable Tourism Destinations

As tourism connects people with nature, it has the unique ability to spur environmental responsibility and conservation. But when tourism is not sustainable, it can have the opposite effect and devastate the environments it relies on.


Scientific Reasearch and Studies

Science is a critical part of our work, because it provides important information about the  animals and plants in the forest ecosystems they all share.we do organize groups and individual research and studies travel, in order to participate in long life of our planet.

Environmental Awareness

As we are traveling, educate tourists and communities on the importance of conservation and how to protect the world’s natural treasures. in order to reduce single plastic use at the destination, we encourage all travelers to curry their own refillable bottles.

Training future Conservationists

successful conservation story requires investing in the future generation to prepare them for the conservation challenges of the future, and keep the planet better than it was. Contact us to organize a moment with Communities  surrounding tourism destinations and engage your self in their home daily living activities.

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